Episode 257


Getting Passed Judgment


Happy Thursday Worthiness Warriors! In this week’s podcast, we’re going to chat about embracing self-worth and releasing judgment of yourself and others.

You are not a failure if you need a side job while building a business, comparing yourself to others leads to judgment, relationships can be healing if you focus on your own growth, and judgment of others reflects how you judge yourself. Pause and reflect on why you judge and how to accept that part of yourself. Ask yourself what judgments say about you so you can accept all parts of yourself. Instead, give yourself permission to take your own path at your own pace in business and life, relationships can catalyze healing if you focus on your own growth, the judgment of others is a judgment of self - reflect on the meaning behind judgments so you can accept yours

I encourage you to take the time to trust yourself, and in turn, face your fears. I personally would like to invite you into Doing it Scared. Our monthly call is tomorrow, so you’ve got time! If you have someone in your life who this podcast would resonate with, please send it to them. Let’s make this message a movement.



Episode 258


Episode 256