Episode 194


Creating Safety


Hello from Anchorage, AK! We’ve had a ton of rain, so fingers crossed that it will let up by our wedding day!!

I wanted to talk about something I’ve seen coming up for many people lately, and it’s the transformation in not judging where they are. Many of us struggle with feeling like we should be further, and the people I see thrive and make changes quickly, they embrace the back and forth, the ebbs and flows. Often we think we’ve healed something, and we’ll feel jolted when it comes up again. Instead of thinking of it as moving backward, look at it as a way to see your growth, to see how far you’ve come.

This is the space where grace, compassion, and patience are NEEDED for yourself in this space. When you start doubting yourself, pay attention to the judgments happening in your mind. As yourself, ‘how can I see this as growth, progress, and me moving forward?’

You don’t need the protection any longer, you don’t need the story any longer, but you can honor that for a long time, that story served you in some way, it kept you safe.

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Episode 195


Episode 193