Episode 270


What to do if you don't have goals for 2024...


Hello Worthy Warriors! Happy Thursday & Happy New Year!! In this first episode of 2024, I want to focus on embracing self-worth and releasing unhealthy attachments to goals and control.

2023 was an unpredictable year and I encourage you to seek self-trust instead of annual planning. In our society, it’s difficult to release goal-based self-judgment, but there’s something powerful about leaving it behind, at least for this year. I’ve found that the resolutions and planning that go along with this time of year often bring me to question our desire for control. The thing is, I believe in opening ourselves up to life's uncertainty and magic and committing to feel it all.

There’s still time to join the Doing It Scared 30-Day Challenge AND share your interest in round 2 of Brave & Unreasonable Life! This is the best gift you can give yourself.



Episode 271


Episode 269